Help Heating Your Home
We ensure low-income people in Southwest Montana have warm homes throughout our cold Montana winters.
Through the Energy Share Program, ACTION INC. can provide emergency assistance to help households pay back heating bills or buy fuel. For energy related emergencies where LIHEAP cannot assist, Energy Share of Montana (ESOM) may be able to provide a grant. Energy Share, which is funded solely by donations, provides grants to households who are either without or soon to be without heat or power. Energy Share grants have optional repayments.
Some examples of energy emergencies are: a shut-off notice from the power company, inability to obtain heat or power due to a past bill, repair or replacement of a non-functioning furnace, or damages that affect the ability to heat the home.
Energy Share can also help with replacing or repairing certain inefficient/unsafe, older appliances, water heaters and furnaces, if the situation meets certain guidelines.
Eligibility for Energy Share is based on the household’s situation. ESOM applications are reviewed and decided upon by a local board. Please contact Energy Programs staff for an application. Assistance is available while funding lasts.
Click Here for more information.