Through the Housing Choice Voucher program (HUD Section 8), families and individuals having difficulty meeting housing expenses can get assistance with monthly rental costs. An eligible participant contributes no more than 30% of their adjusted gross income toward monthly rent and the balance is paid by the Department of U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program ensures each participant has decent, safe housing.
Who is eligible for housing choice vouchers?
Families and individuals whose income is 30% or less than the state median income. See Section 8 Annual Income Limits to see if you qualify. Housing units must meet Housing Quality Standards and fall within the Fair Market Rents set for the area in order for a voucher to work.
How much rent does the voucher cover?
The renter pays 30% of their adjusted family income and HUD subsidizes the difference between that amount and gross rent for the unit. For example, if a family’s adjusted income is $1200 per month and the rent is $900, the family will pay $360 (30% of $1200) and the voucher will be worth $540.
How do you obtain a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher?
You can apply for a voucher at Action Inc. or Apply Online. There may be a waitlist to obtain a voucher.
Who generally applies for Section 8 Housing?
The program is designed to assist anyone who makes less than 30% of the Area Median Income as defined by the Federal Government. Examples of people who might be eligible are low-income seniors, single parents with children and individuals with disabilities. These units are available to persons with a voucher. Please check out property listings in Montana on Montana Housing Search. This rental search website includes a feature that indicates which units of housing will accept vouchers.